Illustrations by @_lytra. Find her on Instagram and Fiverr
Antanasia Nadia Vasile

Meaning: One who will be reborn immortal
- Nicknames: Tasi, Tasia
- Age: 18
- Birthplace: Washington State, U.S.A.
- Species: Dhampyr (Half-Vampire, Half-Human)
- Height: 5’8″
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Eye Color: Blue-Green
- Clothing Style: Dark Colors, Zip-Up Hoodies, Jeans
- Favorite Food: French Fries
- Favorite Drink: Soy Lattes
Daciana Emily Vasile

Meaning: Full of Strength
- Nicknames: Em, Emily
- Age: 13
- Birthplace: Washington State, U.S.A.
- Species: Dhampyr (Half-Vampire, Half-Human)
- Height: 5’3″
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Eye Color: Blue-Green
- Clothing Style: Pastels, Knit Sweaters, Jeans
- Favorite Food: Chocolate Chip Pancakes
- Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk

- Age: 19
- Birthplace: Wiltshire, England
- Species: Vampire
- Height: 5’11”
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Clothing Style: T-shirts, Jeans
- Occupation prior to being a vampire: Works on family farm

- Age: Unknown
- Birthplace: Unknown
- Height: 5’7″
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Eye Color: Green Eyes with a spot of brown in one eye
- Clothing Style: Leather and Tank Tops
- Occupation prior to being a vampire: Unknown

- Age: 27
- Birthplace: Dacia
- Height: 5’9″
- Hair Color: Chesnut brown
- Eye Color: Brown eyes
- Clothing Style: Turtlenecks, slacks, and heels
- Occupation prior to being a vampire: None

- Age: 21
- Birthplace: Paris, France
- Species: Vampire
- Height: 6’0″
- Hair Color: Black Hair
- Eye Color: Green Eyes
- Clothing Style: Anything designer
- Occupation prior to being a vampire: Artist

- Age: 16
- Birthplace: California, U.S.A.
- Height: 5’10”
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Eye Color: Blue Eyes
- Clothing Style: Casual Surf Style
- Occupation prior to being a vampire: Surfer