And Then The Dhampyrs Were Born

I wanted to share how this book came about as well as an excerpt of Tasi’s encounter with a an evil creature of the night.

This book started out as a short story. I wanted to write about a girl who had to survive one night in a city full of monsters. Once it was completed I thought, why stop at one night. I have always loved dhampyrs, half-vampire/half-human creatures who are strong and can match the strength of a vampire, but can also go out for coffee in the middle of the day. That is when Antanasia (Tasi) Nadia Vasile was created.

Then I thought, Tasi needed a younger sister. A sister that looked up to Tasi. Someone that knew no matter what happened in life, her older sister would always love her and protect her above all others. That is when Daciana Emily Vasile was created.

The sister aspect replicates what my sister and I had when we were younger. No matter what was going on she was my protector. No matter how much we fought and there were times we threw down. She was my best friend and to this day my life would not be complete without her.

Below is an excerpt from Hunted that I wanted to share. Hope you enjoy the teaser.