Author Interview and Planning Ahead

This month I did my first author interview, and it was a blast. I loved talking about my book, which I am so passionate about. If interested, check out the interview here.

I am also going to announce my release date for book one in the next two weeks. This is such a learning process, and I left myself enough padding in case things go sideways. I mean, let’s be real. We can’t control everything—nor would I want to—might as well leave a buffer. What I learn during this process will help me tighten my schedule. Then I can release books more frequently in the future.

Here is how I am planning my next five months. It’s interesting because planning is not something I often do, but it’s helping to keep me ahead of my many tasks. Some of my plans are: 

  • April: Solidify marketing plans and budget. Announce release date.
  • May: Finalize copyediting. Start researching TikTok as a platform. 
  • June: Do one last run through book two and send it off for developmental editing. Prepare ideas for cover artist.
  • July: Start working with my cover artist. Finalize proofread.
  • August: Cover reveal. Format the book. Get final ARCs and start presale.

I am probably missing a few things as I don’t have my planner in front of me. All I know is the closer I get, the crazier I think about how I am making a lifelong dream a reality.