Struggles and March Goals
First the struggles. Writing is not all fun and games. As much as I love to spend my days writing and following the lives of these wonderful characters that have saturated my life for well over a year now, I know I need to take a break every once in a while.
This week I’m on vacation with family. We left the cold northern climate for some much-needed sun in Florida. Bonus, my partner and I both have family here who we miss and get to spend time with. I won’t lie. I find it difficult to disconnect, but for once it is nice to not think of deadlines, budgets, editing, and next steps to publishing.
Second, my monthly goals. I don’t have my planner with me, but I am ahead of my March goals. Before I left for the sun, I made sure I had met them. On the plane, I worked on a short story about the dynamic of my characters. I submitted this teaser short story to an editor this week. The story will go up on my website so readers can see the dynamic of my characters and find out if it is something they are interested in.
With March being in the books, I am excited to take on April. Release date announcement will be this month. I will hopefully have the rest of my business items taken care of. I need to purchase ISBNs, and the biggest goal. . . solidify a plan for marketing.
Here’s to a productive April.